Fraud Blocker Behavioral Therapy for Toddlers in North Phoenix | Scottsdale PBS

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral Therapy in Action.

We Utilize an Evidence-Based Approach to Problem-Solving.

Our team of BCBAs, including two doctoral level providers, serves children and families throughout Scottsdale, Fountain Hills, Chandler, and North Phoenix. Our practice uses Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and we implement evidence-based procedures to address behaviors that occur too frequently (behavioral excesses) and behaviors that do not occur frequently enough (behavior deficits). Most of our patients are between 2 and 6 years of age, but our team of BCBAs has experience working with patients of all ages and with a variety of diagnoses.

Your Child Is More Than Their Behavior.

Utilizing a Multi-Pronged, Holistic Approach.

Our team approaches the children we treat as the complex beings they are, helping them to increase their skills as they decrease their problematic behaviors. Our young patients flourish as they become more adept at maneuvering through relationships with family, friends, neighbors, teachers, and other caregivers.

From Scottsdale Pediatric Behavioral Services, our team is able to visit children at a wide variety of sites to both observe, and assist in modifying their behavior. We offer services to children in family settings, schools, hospitals, mental health care agencies, and local community centers. Through observation and analysis, we empower both children and their caregivers to identify triggers, alter behavior patterns, and nurture positive behaviors that lead to healthier interactions.

autism diagnostic exam

ABA Treatment Methods.

We Utilize a Wide Range of Approaches, Personalized for Each Patient.

There are many different types of ABA that may be used separately or, more often, in combination, depending on the age of the child and his or her diagnosis.

Discrete Trial Training (DTT)

A type of teaching that breaks down lessons into their simplest parts, positively reinforcing correct answers and behaviors and ignoring incorrect answers or misbehaviors.

Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI)

Intensive intervention for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) used when the children are very young, typically under the age of 5, or even under the age of 3.

Pivotal Response Training (PRT)

Designed to increase the child’s motivation to learn, to alter his or her own behavior, and to initiate communication with others.

Verbal Behavior Intervention (ABA/VB)

Behavioral therapy that focuses on verbal skills.

Schedule a Consultation Today.

We Can Help You Determine Whether the program Is Right for Your Child

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