Now Is the Time to Start.
Early Treatment Improves Positive Outcomes.
If you’re wondering when it’s the right time to introduce your child to therapeutic intervention, the answer is right now! Extensive research has shown that early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) can greatly improve the chances of positive outcomes for children with developmental or behavioral issues. Early intervention can begin shortly after birth and continue until 3 years of age, at which time other services may be necessary. The early services can assist the child’s ability to reach developmental milestones, such as walking or talking or interacting with others. For this reason, it is important to talk to your pediatrician as soon as you notice evidence of a developmental problem or suspect that your child may have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
It is important to remember that a child may be eligible for early intervention services whether or not he or she has been diagnosed with an ASD since the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act states that any child at risk of developmental delays may be eligible for treatment. Each state has an early intervention system and, once your child has been evaluated, he or she may qualify for speech therapy or other services.
Early Intervention in Action.
Dive Into the Research.
In 1987, the results of 25 years of over 400 worldwide research studies were published demonstrating that the long-term outcome of EIBI had a high rate of success. The UCLA Young Autism Project showed that as many as 47 percent of children diagnosed with autism were able to fully recover from the disorder.
According to a statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics on the topic of ASD Disorder in Children: “… enrolling the child in an appropriate and intensive early intervention program … promotes the development of communication, social, adaptive, behavioral, and academic skills [and] decreases maladaptive and repetitive behaviors…” Most doctors now accept the fact that early intervention greatly improves outcomes.
An Evidence- Based Approach.
Learn More About Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Techniques.
The intensive and comprehensive methods of the ABA field of science are skillfully employed by our team. The methodology we use encourages positive behaviors and discourages negative behaviors. In so doing it helps the child improve social and learning skills while reinforcing appropriate behavior. ABA also enables the child’s progress to be tracked and measured.
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